Why you have a 30 minute napper

This is possibly the most common sleep challenge that many parents have to navigate.

I would say around 60% of babies are 30 min nappers.

So, why is this so common?

🐻Tools are being used to get baby to sleep. These are feeding, rocking and contact settling. if you are using tools to get baby to sleep, they will need those same tools to resettle when they wake form their sleep cycles. The way you help you baby to fall asleep will need to be repeated.

🐻Overtired or under-tired! Know your baby’s wake windows for their age. It’s also very important to recognise your baby’s sleep cues early. if they take a long time to fall asleep then they may not have been ready.

🐻Responding too early! When you hear your baby wake or you are watching a monitor, wait until you are needed. Babies can wake or rouse lots when transitioning between sleep cycles. If you respond too quickly you may interfere with self-resettling.

🐻No nap routine! It is very important to create a consistent nap routine.

🐻Sleep Environment! Make sure your baby’s sleep environment creates confidence and security plus is comfortable. Using blackout blinds may help some babies but not others. Are you using the same sleep attire such as a swaddle or sleep sac? Can your baby lie awake in their bed for a few minutes without crying? Do you use the same room for naps and for nighttime sleep?

These are things to think about.

Babies should be able to sleep for longer than 30 mins especially as they get older and they develop more. They will use more energy and need longer naps to reset.

Need help with a 30 min napper? Get in touch and let’s chat

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